Need some new ideas to help make using condoms easier?
Sometimes the best ideas come from thinking a bit about what’s getting in your way. What do you think makes using condoms most difficult for you?
Not a fan of how condoms feel?
Experiment with higher-end condoms. Higher-quality condoms, like Skyn® Elite or Durex® Invisibles another polyurethane condom) are much thinner than typical latex condoms and transfer body heat better. And no, we don’t get paid for recommending these. :)
Add a drop of lube to the tip before putting it on. A bit of lube makes the condom feel a lot more natural. However, be careful not to use too much—it could make the condom slip off.
Practice with them. It sounds cheesy, but masturbating with a condom on can help you get used to getting off with one.
Add a cock ring. Wearing a cock ring with a condom can help you stay hard.
Have trouble bringing it up?
Start early—say something before they show up. Try saying something subtle before you're together. If you met online, drop a hint while chatting. Something like, “Great. Condoms ready.” or “Sounds good, got condoms?”
Be direct about using a condom. Saying things clearly can help. Try to use “I” statements. For example, “I think we should use a condom this time.”
Think of a sexy way to bring it up. Asking to use a condom doesn't have to be awkward—it can be sexy! Kiss their neck and say “We can do whatever we want if we use a condom. It'll be hot.” or, “Your condoms or mine?”
Let him know without saying it. It's better to be direct, but if you have trouble, you can always just put one on or put one on your partner without saying a thing!
Don’t seem to have one when you need it?
Take a condom with you whenever you go out. Even if you don't think you'll get laid, take a condom with you wherever you go. A lot of people keep them in a back pocket (or even in a tin of breath mints!) just in case.
Grab a bunch. A lot of places give condoms away for free, so don't be shy about grabbing a few handfuls. Check out this map to find locations to get free condoms near you.
Keep them nearby. It makes things smoother to keep condoms within arm's reach of wherever you have sex. Whether that's the bedroom, the kitchen, or the bathhouse cot, keep them on a table nearby so they are handy when you need them.
Have one out and unwrapped before starting to have sex. This can help you make a smoother transition when you know things could get hot.
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